Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. We've been a little busy. We are getting ready for the big family beach trip. We are leaving on Saturday. Reid is doing great. Growing big. Eating meats for dinner and has somewhat figured out a sippy cup and drinks water after lunch and dinner. He is getting around by scooting on his belly. Every now and then he will rock a little on his knees. Still no teeth...just waiting for that. Sleeping great and has discovered how wonderful it is to sleep on his belly. We love watching him on the video monitor. He moves alot during the night but sleeps about 10-11 hours. Craig and I are sleeping like rocks...good, good sleep.
Today we came in from getting the mail and I let Reid carry in the Pottery Barn catalog. I sat him down with his toys and walked in the kitchen and when I returned, I found this. I guess this is how he feels about Pottery Barn. He was squealing loudly...he thought he was really something getting to destroy the catalog.