Monday, January 5, 2009

Update on the Daniel Family.... well I went back to work this weekend.  It was really, really hard.  Craig took care of Reid all weekend which is great.  I missed Reid a whole lot but I was very busy at work which was probably a blessing.  Last night when I got home about 10:45 p.m. Reid woke up crying after being asleep for about an hour.  I got him out of his crib and loved on him for a few minutes, he burped about 4 times and went right back to sleep. 
Now here is some exciting news... he slept until 6:15 a.m.  Seven hours and fifteen minutes...I think that is considered "sleeping through the night", it sure felt like it to us.  


Betsy said...

Hope everything goes smoothly with getting back in the work routine, and it sounds like it already has!Congrats on the 7+ hours of sleep -- that's a blessing when that starts to happen!

Sipos Fam said...

He is adorable! Congratulations:)