Monday, April 27, 2009

Reid's 6 Month Pictures.  There are so many that we love, here are a few of the favorites.  We had a perfect day for pictures on Friday.  Our photographer is excellent.  We call her when Reid wakes up from his nap and has eaten and go then so it makes for a great experience.  Reid had a great time and did very, very well even through several outfit changes.  

Reid is still trying to acquire a feel for the grass.  The first several times he sat in the grass in shorts and no shoes, he was not liking it.  

My two favorite boys.  They make a great team on the weekends when mommy is working.  Reid adores his daddy.  He gets so excited to see him in the afternoons when Craig comes home from work. 


Betsy said...

Amazing! I adore the one of you two kissing and Reid standing between you. They are all really good though.

The Owen Family said...

Cute family!! Reid is so cute!! He is growing up very fast!! Who is your photographer? The picky chick consignment sale starts this thurs. at fountainhead tech. school next to Smithwood! You should go if you need anything for Reid!!

Betsy said...

Hi again! We'll be at Mom's house Mat 10-15. E-mail me at or send my your phone number and we'll be sure to touch base when we arrive!

Sipos Fam said...

These pictures are great! The coloring is so cool!

Hope you got my last message about the breeders, I don't think they had but 2 charcoal females left so hope they are breeding again and you can get 1st pick out of the next litter!

I didn't know you guys built, are you in Corryton? Well, my husband went to Catholic but lived in Lafollette (North) and to answer your question we are building in Caryville, which is that way since he likes it up there. The neighborhood is Cove Norris, on lake Norris, although we unfortunately only get seasonal lake view, ha:) It's so very pretty out there though!