Friday, January 15, 2010

Today is Reid's 15 Month Birthday! He had a really big day. After his morning nap we met Amber, Hallie, Kelly & Gavin for lunch at Louis. Reid was very distracted there but I managed to get some food in him. After he ate, he enjoyed some quality time with Hallie. He sat on her lap and loved on her. Gavin was sitting across the table and noticed that his "girlfriend" was getting attention from another man. It was very cute. After lunch we headed to the Bounce House. This was the first time for Reid, Gavin and Hallie.
I went down with the three of them. Well, you can see me, Reid and Gavin but notice in the very right of the picture is little Hallie Dru.

Hallie loving on Reid.

Reid also wanted to up the slide.

Reid and I went down the slid to find Daddy waiting at the bottom. We were really excited. Reid starting showing off for him too.
After Craig went down with him, the next time Craig helped him to the top and let him go alone. He LOVED it. He was fearless. I loved seeing his face as he went down by himself. After that he wore me out helping him to the top. I also got a workout.

Here he is going down by himself. It is alittle blurry because he was going soooo FAST!
We both came home and had a snack and took a 2 hour nap. What a great day!

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