Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nana and Papa bought Reid his first car.  Now he is driving without a license.  He loves this car or "Buggy" as the label says.  First time in the car he held the steering wheel at 10 and 2.  We had a great Sunday.  The weather was beautiful and the kids played outside and had a blast.  


Betsy said...

He's so big already. I couldn't believe that was him in the car! Ashlea, your mom gave Jaryn a hat similiar to that one at our baby shower. It was khaki and had his named embroidered on it... I was so sad the day he outgrew it! :-)

The Owen Family said...

Cute hat and love the car!! Jake will have to have one of those!! Reid is getting so big! Sometimes I can't wait until Jake is big enough to sit up on his own, but they grow up so fast!! I'm enjoying holding him in my arms!! He will soon be too wiggly to hold!! Hope you all are doing well!