Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Happy Birthday, Nana!!  We visited her for just alittle while because she unfortunately has a cold. We love you Nana.  

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!  We traveled to Nana and Papa's (Craig's Parents) last night for the Daniel Family Christmas.  We had a great time.  Reid slept most of the time which made taking his picture a breeze.  This morning we helped Reid open a few of the gifts that Santa left.  Today for lunch we are going to Honey and G-daddy's (my parents) house for the Phillips Family Christmas.  Hope everyone is having a good Christmas and enjoying time with family and friends.  Wishing all a very Merry Christmas.  

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy 35th Birthday to Craig!!!  I thank God each and everyday for you.  You are an amazing husband and father.  You are truly a blessing in so many ways.  
We love you!  
Ashlea and Reid    

Craig's best birthday gift ever... Reid.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Today we ventured out with Reid for the first big public experience.  We went to watch Emma and Nolan (cousins) in their Christmas program at the Icearium.  Emma does figure skating and Nolan plays ice hockey.  It was chilly in there.  We had Reid bundled up really good.  After the program, we met Angel, Nathan and Cohen at Littons for dinner.  We had a good day but Reid was exhausted.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reid weighed a whopping 11 pounds today putting him in the 36 percentile.  He measured 22 inches ranking in the 21 percentile.  It was a sad visit, he had to get his 2 month immunizations.  I (ashlea talking) was a terrible patient as a child and was terrified of needles so I couldn't watch them give him the shots.   Of coarse he screamed but he slept all the way home.  Not sure what the rest of the afternoon and night might hold.  In the midst of sadness of the shots, I think he looked pretty cute today and he wore a pair of shoes for the first time.  They were size newborn so I thought I would stick them on him.  

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy 2 month Birthday to me!!!  Tomorrow I go to weigh in.  I am doing great...long naps, sleeping in my crib, drinking 5 ounces every 3 hours if I am awake, growing like a weed and pooping and passing gas like a man.  I've got it made.  Here are some pictures mom took today during a brief photo shoot.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

We have some exciting news.  Reid went nighty-nighty in the crib in his room last night.  Yesterday Craig and I decided that it was probably time to make the transition. As you know we have been trying to expose him to his room and crib as much as possible this last week.  We hope that he will be settled and sleeping well every night once I start back to work the first of January.  After his bath, Craig loved on him in the big, comfy chair (he loves to be snuggled) while I fixed a bottle.  At about 10:15 p.m. after his bottle, Craig laid him down in the crib and he slept until 2:45 a.m.  I then turned on his mobile and he was soothed while I fixed his bottle.  He drank it well and went right back to sleep in his crib.  He woke this morning about 6:45 a.m. and had the luxury of getting in the big warm bed with his parents to be snuggled and to get his morning bottle.  Then he was calm and alert so after alittle while we put in his crib to watch his mobile and rainforest aquarium.  He loves those two things.  He laid there for about a hour...what a happy baby.  I was alittle nervous about this last night but we slept in the bedroom upstairs next to his room, so we could hear even without the monitor.  We feel good about the move. Now we look forward to the day we can announce that he slept through the night.  We are patiently waiting.  Also, this last week Reid has been taking two 2-3 hours naps during the day.  He is so happy after a long siesta.  He is doing so good.  We are blessed with a happy and healthy baby.  He has his 2-month checkup on Tuesday afternoon so check back for the update on weight and all that good stuff.  

"My daddy lay me down to sleep
I pray dear Lord my soul to keep
May angels guard me through the night
And keep me safe 'til morning light
Amen. I love you Jesus."


Thursday, December 11, 2008

      This week has been really exciting. Reid has started really vocalizing his happiness and interacting with us much more.  It is so great to watch him smile and laugh.  He is so happy in the mornings...this is a time that Craig really enjoys.  He has also started putting his left fist in his mouth alot, not sure what will happen with that.  We have been putting Reid in his crib in his room for naps and as much as possible to prepare in the transition from the pack-n-play in our room.  He loves his mobile and crib especially to play, we haven't quite mastered the lengthy naps in the crib yet but hopefully that will come with alittle more time.   

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reid loves getting his bath.  We try to give Reid a bath every night as a part of his bedtime routine.  Craig and I love spending this time with Reid.  I wash and Craig rinses, dries and dresses him.  Reid is so happy during this time.  Maybe because he knows that a book, bottle and his nighttime nap are coming soon.  

Monday, December 8, 2008

Reid has found his new love...being toted around by his daddy in his Chicco carrier.  He also is enjoying the new family blog... here he is checking it out.  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cohen's 1st Birthday Party

Cousin Cohen turned 1 on November 30.  He loved his birthday cake!  Cousin Garland had a blast working the crowd!  Reid slept the whole time......

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 was truly a Thanksgiving!  Both the Daniel and Romines families had lunch together at Nana and Papa Daniel's house.  Great grand parents (papaws Philip & Don) from both sides spent the afternoon with us.  My mom out did herself as usual and prepared a meal that would feed an army.  Angel, Nathan and Cohen & Kevin, Jordan and Garland were there.  

1 month old

"Tipping the scales" :  9lbs 6 oz at the 1 month checkup.

Catching up and Starting Out......

Our lives changed forever on October 15, 2008 - Reid Harrison Daniel was born.   He arrived at 10:17 pm and weighed 7lbs 5 oz.  Our family and friends surrounded us and helped welcome him into the world.  God blessed us richly in the family and friend department and we are so thankful.

With so many great things happening everyday as he grows, it will be difficult to both stay current and recount the past.  So, we will focus on the present from here on out....after we post a few pictures for everyone share in Reid's first 7 weeks.  Thanks for visiting and we will try our best to entertain you!