Sunday, December 14, 2008

We have some exciting news.  Reid went nighty-nighty in the crib in his room last night.  Yesterday Craig and I decided that it was probably time to make the transition. As you know we have been trying to expose him to his room and crib as much as possible this last week.  We hope that he will be settled and sleeping well every night once I start back to work the first of January.  After his bath, Craig loved on him in the big, comfy chair (he loves to be snuggled) while I fixed a bottle.  At about 10:15 p.m. after his bottle, Craig laid him down in the crib and he slept until 2:45 a.m.  I then turned on his mobile and he was soothed while I fixed his bottle.  He drank it well and went right back to sleep in his crib.  He woke this morning about 6:45 a.m. and had the luxury of getting in the big warm bed with his parents to be snuggled and to get his morning bottle.  Then he was calm and alert so after alittle while we put in his crib to watch his mobile and rainforest aquarium.  He loves those two things.  He laid there for about a hour...what a happy baby.  I was alittle nervous about this last night but we slept in the bedroom upstairs next to his room, so we could hear even without the monitor.  We feel good about the move. Now we look forward to the day we can announce that he slept through the night.  We are patiently waiting.  Also, this last week Reid has been taking two 2-3 hours naps during the day.  He is so happy after a long siesta.  He is doing so good.  We are blessed with a happy and healthy baby.  He has his 2-month checkup on Tuesday afternoon so check back for the update on weight and all that good stuff.  

"My daddy lay me down to sleep
I pray dear Lord my soul to keep
May angels guard me through the night
And keep me safe 'til morning light
Amen. I love you Jesus."



Becca said...

That is so exciting! Before you know it he will be sleeping all night! I remember when McKinley slept in her crib the first time. I stared at the video monitor all night and had it turned up full blast even thought she was just a few feet away.

Brittney said...

I am so glad that you all are doing so well. Reid is just absolutly beautiful! (Im not just saying that cause im family) He really is a georgous baby. I would love to see him, Now that you guys are more settled in with him I feel more comfortable about stopping by! I know that you are probably happier now than ever, I can't wait to start a family of my own! hopefully soon, now that I am engaged and all!!! Hope to see you soon, Take Care and may Reid continue his long naps!